Tema elegan untuk belanja Pakaian memakai Ionic 3, Angular 4, Typescript.
[tab] [content title="Download - My Fashion Ionic Theme"]
- Login
- Register
- Home
- List
- Detail
- Side Menu
- Shopping Cart
- Filter
- Profile (like,notification)
- Settings
- complete ,clear,Simple design.
- Responsive app. so it fits to all devices
- the app using Ionic 3 , Angular 4, Cordova ,Typescript,Flat design
- Changeable color using Sass variables
- Can be used and tested for both IOS and Android mobile.
- Animation availability
- Free for life Updates
- Readme file included with how to use the theme steps to follow
- 10+ complete screens and components
- ionic framework
- NodeJs
- Ios , Android
- unzip the theme package.
- create a new Ionic3 app.
- Replace the src,www and package.json for the new app with those for the theme(from the unzipped folder).
- open app in cmd then Run these lines:
- 1- npm install
- 2- ionic serve
- 3- ionic platform add android/ios
- 4- ionic build android/ios --prod
[success title="Download - My Fashion Ionic Theme" icon="arrow-circle-down"]
http://www.mediafire.com/file/fa9p845fpdf5tl7/androidrion.blogspot.com-my-fashion-ionic-theme.zip/file [/success]
http://www.mediafire.com/file/fa9p845fpdf5tl7/androidrion.blogspot.com-my-fashion-ionic-theme.zip/file [/success]