Selamat tiba di zooba.ID! Kali ini zooba.ID mau share Transkrip Tapescript Listening Express UN Sekolah Menengah kejuruan Erlangga 2019 | Tapescript Listening X-Press UN Sekolah Menengah kejuruan Erlangga 2019 | Listening Erlangga 2019. Untuk tapescript listening Erlangga ini zooba.ID buat sendiri. Sebelumnya, silakan download dulu Audio MP3 Listening Erlangga X-Press Bahasa Inggris Sekolah Menengah kejuruan klik DISINI. Yang ada di situs ini ialah tapescript audio listening erlangga ya, tidak menyertakan isi bukunya. Silakan beli yang orisinil di toko buku terdekat!
Transkrip Tapescript Listening Express UN Sekolah Menengah kejuruan Erlangga 2019 | Tapescript Listening X-Press UN Sekolah Menengah kejuruan Erlangga 2019 | Listening Erlangga 2019, mari kita mulai dengan Listening Simulasi UN 2019 Erlangga X-Press Bahasa Inggris:
Part I: Pictures
1. Look at picture number 1
A. The yard of the house looks empty.
B. The house is made from brikes and stones.
C. A man is parking his bike in the yard.
D. A bike is parked in front of the house.
2. Look at picture number 2
A. The people are harvesting in the field.
B. The woman is choosing the vegetables.
C. The woman is planting the vegetables.
D. The woman is cooking the vegetables for dinner.
3. Look at picture number 3
A. There is an umbrella in her bag.
B. The woman has long straight hair.
C. The woman is wearing a short dress.
D. The woman is wearing a traditional Japanese dress.
Woman: My boss has given me a ticket to Bali as a bonus. What do you think of him?
Man: A) Bali is popular as an Island of Temples.
B) I’m thinking about my vacation plan.
C) I think your boss is very generous.
D) I think the company should give me a bonus.
Man: Why are you sitting here by yourself? Is there anything I can do for you?
Woman: A) Can you help me find my key? I think I lost it here.
B) I haven’t done anything since I arrived here.
C) I’m sitting here waiting for my sister.
D) That’s a good idea. I really appreciate it.
Woman: I have absolutely no idea for my presentation. Do you have any suggestions?
Man: A) I do hope your presentation will be successful.
B) I think it’s important to prepare your presentation.
C) I suggest that you prepare your presentation now.
D) Why don’t you ask Peter? I’m sure he can help you.
Man: Would you share your opinion about her exhibition?
Woman: A) In my opinion, Sarah is a talented person.
B) The exhibition is display the artwork.
C) In my mind, it is well manage display.
D) No, thank you. I prefer going to the movie.
Woman: Your house looks wonderful after redecoration.
Man: Thanks. It’s been tiring work almost a year.
Woman: Well it is worthed. The result is satisfying.
Man: Is it right that you have applied for scholarship abroad?
Woman: Yes. But I’m still on turn whether go abroad or stay in Indonesia.
Man: It’s better go abroad for more experience.
Woman: Why are you turning on the television? It’s already bed time.
Man: I’m going to watch the football game mom. It’s Portugal vs Spain Don’t worry. I’ve finished all my assignment already.
Woman: But you have get up early for your school. Turn it off Daniel.
Woman: Why are you back early? I think you are going to watch the concert.
Man: My friend came late to fetch because his car broke down. We couldn’t find any taxies because it was raining heavily. And the worst thing was my friend lost his ticket.
Woman: Wow. It’s bit a long day. Would you like a cup of tea?
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Demikian Transkrip Tapescript Listening Express UN Sekolah Menengah kejuruan Erlangga 2019 | Tapescript Listening X-Press UN Sekolah Menengah kejuruan Erlangga 2019 | Listening Erlangga 2019, agar dapat memperlihatkan pencerahan dan nilai UN Bahasa Inggris semakin bagus. Sekali lagi, beli buku aslinya di toko buku terdekat.