Rabu, 02 Januari 2019

Cannot Ngoding But Want to Establish a Startup, How do I do it?

– Hello, The discussion this time. can't coding but wants to set up a startup, how do I do it? Programming or commonly called coding, is no stranger to our ears, what else is like it and many of us who say coding is a skill that makes some experience a dilemma if they don't master it. From the observations, most of us feel this dilemma. For some reason what makes it difficult for them to have programming skills, this is like a hereditary curse.

Ngoding but want to set up a startup

Lack of ability and ultimately complaining and not a few who feel hopeless. Always compare with other people who are out there who are given ease in mastering programming. But not a few also forget these shortcomings and move on looking for new things that can be done.

Questions from some of us on how to be able to join or try to set up a technology startup, while they cannot coding. The answer will be answered in the section below.

1. Get to know as many people or have links.

Building a network is a very important factor in your career. Make yourself easy to talk to and never close yourself from others. You can get to know important people in various events such as seminars, workshops, competitions, and other events usually held by startups or the technology community.

2. Dare to jump start a business don't ever despair.

Start a business while in college. Lots of young entrepreneurs who start trying to do business while studying there are even those whose businesses survive and grow bigger after they graduate.

3. Following the latest technology trends don't always get hung up with old ones.

The technology industry is constantly changing. If you want to try to build a startup, you have to look around. What technology is being used. If you try to make a startup with an application that runs on a Blackberry device I think you will have difficulty developing because the technology is outdated.

4. Learn to interact with English as a default skill.

This is a very important point now, moreover we have entered this new era. Later everyone must be able to speak the language so that they can interact with big companies that you will later find in a startup environment, which means you will meet strangers. If you have difficulty interacting, it will make it uncomfortable and hard to end your efforts to start a relationship will be difficult.

There are still many things that can be done than complaining because of the inability to coding. can make you choose to make programming as your career or not, because most of the entrepreneurs are people who follow their passion. If programming is not a passion, then look for it and do something else. Hopefully inspired.
Sumber https://www.nichandesign.web.id/