Selasa, 08 Januari 2019

Tape Script Paket 5 - Listening Erlangga Express Un 2019 Smk

Tapescript Listening Erlangga Express UN Sekolah Menengah kejuruan  Tape Script Paket 5 - Listening Erlangga Express UN 2019 SMK

Selamat tiba di zooba.ID! Kali ini zooba.ID mau share Transkrip Tapescript Listening Express UN Sekolah Menengah kejuruan Erlangga 2019 | Tapescript Listening X-Press UN Sekolah Menengah kejuruan Erlangga 2019 | Listening Erlangga 2019. Untuk tapescript listening Erlangga ini zooba.ID buat sendiri. Sebelumnya, silakan download dulu Audio MP3 Listening Erlangga X-Press Bahasa Inggris Sekolah Menengah kejuruan klik DISINI. Yang ada di situs ini yaitu tapescript audio listening erlangga ya, tidak menyertakan isi bukunya. Silakan beli yang orisinil di toko buku terdekat!

Transkrip Tapescript Listening Express UN Sekolah Menengah kejuruan Erlangga 2019 | Tapescript Listening X-Press UN Sekolah Menengah kejuruan Erlangga 2019 | Listening Erlangga 2019, mari kita mulai dengan Listening Simulasi UN 2019 Erlangga X-Press Bahasa Inggris:


Part I: Pictures
1. Look at picture number 1
A. The street looks empty
B. The street is crowded with cars
C. There is no motorcycle on the street
D. There is heavy traffic jam on the street

2. Look at picture number 2
A. The building’s yard is crowded
B. The building looks like a pyramid
C. The lawn looks very empty and dirty
D. The tours occurring enter the building

3. Look at picture number 3
A. All of the women have a long hair
B. One of the women has straight hair
C. They wearing short sleeves the blouses
D. The women are standing behind the desk

Part II: Questions-Responses
Woman: I bought a LaserJet printer for my personal document at home.  Do you think is it good?
Man: A) The printer needs electricity to work
  B) I’m thinking of buy my own printer
  C) You have suddenly made the right decision
  D) A LaserJet printer is able to work very fast
Man: You look terrible, do you need any help?
Woman: A) My working hours are really very horrible. I have to stay wake until late.
  B) This bus is terrible. I don’t want to travel on it.
  C) Yes, I need to sleep. Can I use your bedroom to rest?
  D) How can I look terrible? I have put on the best make up.
Woman: Do you have any idea what I should wear to roaming graduation party?
Man: A) I’m really glad on roaming graduated with good marks
  B) I think the graduation party will be very nice and enjoyable
  C) Why don’t you come with me to the party? It will be fun.
  D) It’s better way your green dress. You’ll look fashioned.
Man: Would you tell me what you think about the presentation?
Woman: A) She really should speak up. I can barely hear what she’s saying
  B) I have prepared my best presentation for this annual meeting.
  C) I will share the important point of my presentation with you.
  D) In my opinion, you are the best presenter in our division.

Part III: Short Conversations
Woman: Syarinah is the most talented actress in our country. Her films are the best.
Man: Yeah, not only as she’s beautiful, but also her acting is amazing.
Woman: Do you know how many awards she has had this year? More than ten!

Man: Why don’t you came to the gathering yesterday?
Woman: I wasn’t at home yesterday. My friends and I were doing our assignments.
Man: I understand that you needed to work in a peaceful environment and lots of books easy accessible.

Woman: Hi dear, how was your day at school?
Man: Hi mom. My friends and I are planning to go camping on the weekend. We had prepared the tent, the fire woods, and a lot of food stocks. 
Woman: Oh, I don’t think so. You’re going to have a tamat test on Monday.  So you must stay at home to study.

Woman: I saw Trisa crying. What happened to her? 
Man: She felt very disappointed because she got the bad score. She had seriously prepared for this test. What made her sad was that her cheating friends got better scores.
Woman: Did the teacher know about it? The cheating students should be punished.

Part IV: Short Monologues
Right now you can use Google Forms to create a main service and questioner in simple steps. First, go to and click “Blank Form”. After new form opens, edit your form. You can add, edit or format texts, images or videos in the form. Choose where you want save the form responses. When everything is ready, send the form to others and collect the responses.

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Demikian Transkrip Tapescript Listening Express UN Sekolah Menengah kejuruan Erlangga 2019 | Tapescript Listening X-Press UN Sekolah Menengah kejuruan Erlangga 2019 | Listening Erlangga 2019, agar dapat memperlihatkan pencerahan dan nilai UN Bahasa Inggris semakin bagus. Sekali lagi, beli buku aslinya di toko buku terdekat.


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