Kamis, 13 Desember 2018

Start learning Self-taught Programming?

– Hello, This is the first post on this blog about Start learning Self-taught Programming, Why? For sure, in each of your heads you have a desire, can learning programming be done on your own? The answer can be, from Learning to self-taught / self-taught programming has become a method that has been passed down from generation to generation or other program makers.

Self-taught Programming

This way of learning is a way in which we learn to find our own knowledge that no one else has in learning a program, so many people make various kinds of programs in this world. Because they learn independently and themselves through various existing sources.

There are many programming learning resources that we can access. Especially now that information can flow quickly, of course the learning resources become more and more easily obtained. Learning autodidact is even easier.

But learning to make a program must be carried out in the right and correct way, so that we can learn it effectively. Especially for those of us who do not have people who can be used as a place to study, of course requires several things so that the learning process can run well.

There are many programming languages ​​that have developed lately. However, not all programming languages ​​must be studied simultaneously. Of course it will be very difficult when we have to learn many programming languages ​​simultaneously. Therefore, in order to learn it easily, we must first determine the language to be learned.

Adjust the type of language that will be studied with the level of ability that we have. As such, we will find it easier to learn. Don't take difficult language, but learn in a gradual manner. From that which is in accordance with the abilities possessed, to a more difficult level on it. In addition, this will make it easier for us to learn self-taught programming.

To learn, whatever it is, we certainly need the right learning resources. This also applies to self-taught programming tips. The source used is not from the source, we must choose a source that is truly complete.

For people who are learning self-taught programming, sometimes reading separate tutorials will be very confusing. Therefore, we must find a source that provides a complete tutorial. This will make it easier for us to practice the knowledge that is being studied.

As explained in previous articles, a novice developer or prospective programmaker must enter into a community to learn more effectively. By entering into a community, we will be able to get various knowledge according to the community that is followed.

The same thing applies to prospective program makers who are learning self-taught programming. At least, prospective program makers can enter into an online-based community that has developed a lot lately.

By entering in it, we can find a place to discuss when there are problems when creating a program. In addition, we will also be able to obtain new knowledge, if the community that is followed is very active.

After gaining resources and entering into the community, we can begin learning by practicing things that have been learned. When we have got the complete tutorial, don't just read it, but we need to try to practice it. This needs to be done so that we are more accustomed to making a program.

And if there is a slight error when trying it, then we are confused about how to overcome it, we can share it with the community that we follow. But keep in mind, do not ask or share programming problems that have been discussed in many forums, read the previous discussions in advance, who knows the problem has been discussed before. This will make the learning process self-taught even more effective, Hopefully inspired.

Sumber https://www.nichandesign.web.id/

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